Archive for the '70’s' Category

‘ELVIS PRESLEY EN SUS ÚLTIMOS DÍAS’, documental en español online.

agosto 10, 2010


Documental emitido dentro da serie ‘Famosos al desnudo’ do canle TVN chileno sobre os últimos anos da vida do rei do rock’n’roll Elvis Presley. Inclúe entrevistas os membros da Memphis Mafia, as ex-mozas ou a ama de chaves da sua mansión de Graceland, entre outros.

Interesante se non tes nin idea de como era a vida de Elvis por aquel entón. Se xa coñeces a historia é máis do mesmo.


julio 17, 2010

Concerto da Creedence Clearwater Revival gravado ao vivo no Royal Albert Hall londinense o 14 de abril de 1970 durante a xira do seu célebre Cosmo’s Factory.

IGGY & THE STOOGES ‘LIVE IN DETROIT’, concerto online.

abril 26, 2010

Concerto da reunión de Iggy & The Stooges en Detroit no ano 2003, 29 anos despois da súa última aparición na cidade. Inclúe todos os seus clásicos dos seus dous primeiros álbumes The Stooges (1969) e Fun House (1970). Cabe destacar a grande aportación que dende esta reunión realiza o ex-Minutemen Mike Watt como baixista da banda.

Joder, morro de gañas de ver a estos velliños…


marzo 13, 2010

‘Afro-Punk: The Rock’n’Roll Nigger Experience’ is a 66-minute documentary film directed by James Spooner, exploring race identity within the punk scene across America and abroad. The film focuses the lives of four people dedicated to the punk rock lifestyle, interspersed with interviews from scores of black punk rockers from all over the United States. The interviews cover issues of loneliness, exile, interracial dating, black power, and the dual lives led by people of color in communities that are primarily white. Afro-Punk features performances by Bad Brains, Tamar Kali, Cipher, and Ten Grand. It also contains exclusive interviews by members of Fishbone, 24-7 Spyz, Dead Kennedys, Candiria, Orange 9mm and TV on the Radio, among others. In 2003 the documentary was featured at the American Black Film Festival in South Beach and the Pan African Film & Arts Festival, and won an Official Selection at the Toronto International Film Festival, an Audience Award at the Black Harvest International Film and Video Festival in Chicago, an award for Excellence in Documentary Filmmaking at the Roxbury Film Festival in Boston, and an award for Best Documentary at the International Jamerican Film and Music Festival in Jamaica.


febrero 25, 2010

Actuación de Kiss no programa The Midnight Special do canle americano NBC en 1975. Nela podemos escoitar ‘Deuce’, ‘She’ e ‘Black Diamond’ que foron as tres cancións que foron emitidas (fora de emisión quedou ‘Come On And Love Me’). Istos son Kiss en estado puro.


febrero 11, 2010

Recuperamos unha rareza en forma de videoclip pouco coñecido dos americanos The Monkees.

Éste vídeo foi emitido no episodio Dance Monkee, Dance das suas series para a televisión yanquee e corresponde ó tema ‘If You Have The Time’  que ten a particularidade de ser unha versión alternativa, distinta a posteriormente publicada.


febrero 10, 2010

The Johnny Cash Show foi un programa de música e variedades conducido polo xigante do country durante 1969 e 1971, tempo durante o cal se emitiron 58 episodios, todos e cada un deles presentados por Johnny Cash acompañado de sua troupe: June Carter e a Carter Family, Carl Perkins, The Statler Brothers e The Tennessee Three.

Os programas graváronse no Ryman Auditorium de Nashville, casa do Grand Ole Opry, o templo da música country, folk e gospel de América. Foron moitos os grandes artistas que pasaron polo programa: Bob Dylan, Louis ArmstrongThe Monkees, Ramblin’ Jack Elliott, Dusty Springfield entre outros aínda que quizais as actuacións máis sobresaíntes son as que se presentan nos seguintes videos.

Roy Orbison, Joni Mitchell, Neil Diamond e Credence Clearwater Revival

James Taylor, Neil Young e Carl Perkins

Jerry Lee LewisDerek and the Dominos.

Johnny Cash, Eric Clapton e Carl Perkins

‘WILLIE NELSON: THE BIG SIX-0’, concerto online.

febrero 8, 2010

‘Willie Nelson: The Big Six-0’ é un especial para televisión emitido en 1993 onde Willie Nelson rodeouse dos seus mellores amigos para celebrar un concerto conmemorando o seu 60º cumpreanos. Por alí andaban Bob Dylan, Neil Young, Ray Charles, BB King, Waylon Jennings ou Emmylou Harris entre outros moitos.


febrero 5, 2010

Documental do Channel 4 BBC adicado o rock progresivo, estilo que apareceu a finais dos anos 60 e que floreceu na década dos 70 con King Crimson ou Pink Floyd como abanderados do seu sonido. Éste filme repasa as principais bandas do xénero a través de entrevistas a diferentes membros dos grupos máis exitosos escollidos polo músico e comediante británico Bill Bailey.

NOTA: Falta a primeira parte porque non aparece por ningures no YouTube.

Hawkwind / Rush

RushEmerson Lake & Palmer / Yes

Yes / Jethro Tull

Moody Blues


Pink Floyd


enero 26, 2010

The Rough Trade story begins more than thirty years ago on 20th February 1976. Britain was in the grip of an IRA bombing campaign; a future prime minister was beginning to make her mark on middle England, where punk was yet to run amok; and a young Cambridge graduate called Geoff Travis opened a new shop at 202 Kensington Park Road, just off Ladbroke Grove in West London. The Rough Trade shop sold obscure and challenging records by bands like American art-rockers Pere Ubu, offering an alternative to the middle-of-the-road rock music that dominated the music business.

In January 1977, when a record by Manchester punk band Buzzcocks appeared in the shop, Rough Trade found itself in the right place at the right time to make an impact far beyond that of a neighbourhood music store. When Spiral Scratch was released in 1977, the idea of putting out a single without the support of an established record company was incredible. But Rough Trade was to become the headquarters of a revolt against this corporate monopoly – it was stocking records by bands inspired by the idea that they could do it themselves.

But selling a few independent records over the counter was not going to change the world. Early independent labels had to hand over their distribution to the likes of EMI or CBS. But one man at Rough Trade challenged that monopoly. Richard Scott joined Rough Trade in 1977 and became the architect of a grand scheme that was nothing short of revolutionary: independent nationwide distribution.
