Archive for the 'the afghan whigs' Category

tema inédito dos afghan whigs.

abril 20, 2009

Hai un par de días publicouse un tema inédito dos Afghan Whigs de Greg Dulli a través do seu myspace.

O tema en cuestión é nin máis nin menos que unha versión de ‘Woman’ de John Lennon. Aquí pego o que foi a historia de esta canción e porqué permaneceu tanto tempo sen ver a luz.

In 1996, during the recording sessions for the album that would be called «Black Love», the Afghan Whigs were
asked to choose a song to cover for a planned tribute album to the late John Lennon. They agreed and chose to
do a version of the song «Woman» from Lennon and Yoko Ono’s 1980 record «Double Fantasy».

However, when the label heard that the Whigs version had been based on a sample of Phil Spector’s string and
choral arrangement from The Beatles’ «The Long and Winding Road» they referred this matter to the Paul McCartney
camp and permission was flatly denied. The band refused to change it and the entire tribute record was subsequently
shelved for unknown reasons.

At the last minute, band collaborator Derek DiCenzo painstakingly recreated the sample using a mellotron and his
infinite talent.

Until now this version has not been heard before. The reasons for revealing it at this particular time are equally
unclear, but here it is…

Ésta é  a versión orixinal que estaba incluída no álbum ‘Double Fantasy’ e que foi editada só 3 semanas antes da morte de John Lennon.